Different Together

At ETP, we believe in creating a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) both on and off stage. We are committed to fostering an environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and included, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, religion, ability, or socio-economic background.

We recognize that there are systemic barriers that have prevented marginalized communities from accessing and participating in theatre, and we are actively working to remove those barriers. We strive to provide opportunities for underrepresented voices to be heard and seen on stage, and to engage in meaningful conversations and collaborations that promote understanding and empathy.

We are dedicated to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in all aspects of our organization, including hiring practices, casting decisions, play selection, and community engagement initiatives. We recognize that this work is ongoing, and we are committed to constantly learning, growing, and evolving in order to create a more just and equitable society through the transformative power of theatre.

We invite feedback and suggestions from our community as we continue to work towards our DEI goals. Thank you for joining us in this important journey.

Helpful DEI Resources

What’s the Difference between Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity?

Read an article on understanding the differences in these words so we can begin building sustainable solutions.

Jason Katz’s TED talk on gender violence

Here’s a speech about how men can help stand up for women’s rights.

Implicit Bias Video Series

This video series powerfully illuminates the unconscious cognitive processing we engage in everyday to assess others.

Leveraging Privilege

Here’s an article that helps unpack privilege— and describes how it can be used to elevate others.

Understanding Native History

  • An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States

    This should be a textbook in all American classrooms.

  • Braiding Sweetgrass

    This is a beautiful introduction to Indigenous wisdom and the blind spots of Western science.

  • As Long As Grass Grows

    This book details the Indigenous fight for environmental justice.

We acknowledge that we live and work in the territory of the Arapahoe, Ute, and Cheyenne peoples. Our privilege to create theatre in Colorado rests on the shoulders of a violent and racist history of peoples dispossessed of their land. We strive to use our artistic platform to foster awareness, inclusion, and equity in our community and beyond.

 Want more resources? Email us at info@empathytheatreproject.org